Sinwar’s Endgame & Israel’s Difficult Choice
“Never give your enemy what he wants. Never give him anything he asks for.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“He (Ishmael and his descendants) will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will (by self-defensive necessity) be against him.” – Genesis 16:12
“The Islamic Government over Iraq – and ‘the rest.‘” – Translation meaning of “ISIS” or “ISIL” or “DA’ESH” (“the rest” wa-shahb – means “the rest of the entire world.”
We are now in the exact “endgame” for which Islamo-fanatics Sinwar and Hamas mass-kidnapped Israelis.
As of early mid-April 2024, the IDF has cleared out most of Hamas from Gaza.
The few remaining brigades of Hamas have retreated into Rafakh in the extreme southwest of Gaza, and the IDF is closing in. The hostages are being held by Hamas specifically to
(a) force Israeli cessation of operations (“cease-fire”), and
(b) to extract an internationally-legally-binding promise from Israel it will not hunt down and execute the leaders/planners of the Hamas 7 October Massacre the way Israel hunted down and executed the PLO leaders and terrorists who kidnapped and murdered the Israeli athletes in the Munich Olympics forty years ago.
The day after Jewish hope for recovering some of the hostages still held in Gaza forces Israel “cease fire, and to give the above-described binding guarantee to the planners of the deliberate mass-raping, mass-murdering, mass-kidnapping of Israeli civilians, and mass-destruction of their property …
… the psychopathic coward Sinwar emerges from his “Hitler-bunker” and from behind his Israeli hostages and Gazan children he uses for self-protective “human-shields,” and declares “Victory!”
He then tells every violent Pan-Arabist/Islamist on the planet:
“Our strategy *worked! We murdered thousands of Jews, raped and kidnapped hundreds of others, and missile showered their country — and the Jews have given up, and have given the world a guarantee they will never hunt us down and bring us to justice! So … what’s stopping you? Go, mass-murder the Jews everywhere, and just take hostages so you can escape any retribution for it!”
It is fairly certain a plurality, or even a majority of the Israeli hostages in Gaza are, as of 12 April 2024, already dead.
The IDF needs to commit to rescue militarily whomever of the hostages it can, and do a surgical series of military actions closing the net on Sinwar and his fellow Islamo-Nazis, to rid the world of the remaining brigades of Hamas, and destroying or capturing the Hamas High Command, just as did the Allies in World War II.
Seventy years ago, there were no international pleas for the survival of Hitler, Himmler, Goering, and Goebbels made in the end of World War II. The Allies stated clearly, “Unconditional Surrender” was Nazi Germany’s only choice other than total defeat and capture, with all the destruction going with continued Allied military action against Germany until they were unable to wage war any longer.
We are now *in the exact endgame* Sinwar and his crew planned when they directed their storm-troopers to mass-kidnap Israeli citizens.
As Sun-Tzu wrote in centuries ago in his “The Art of War” quoted above – “Never give your enemy what he wants. Never give him anything he asks for.”
If Israel is successfully forced by world pressure to give Sinwar and His Hamas Islamo-Nazis the exact prize for which he and they took their hostages – the world opens itself up to unending attacks from Islamic hegemonists (Quran-driven world-conquest fanatics), who now have nothing preventing their use of violence to install an Islamic tyranny over the whole world. By stealing loved-ones from their target nations, and using them to escape justice or retaliation, they can mass-murder, mass-rape, and mass-destroy at will – and survive to do it all again – which Sinwar and his Hamas gangsters have promised they will, every chance they get.
Israel must now make a terrible decision.
Israel must commit itself to military rescue of as many hostages as it can reach, and face the fact that no further negotiations will succeed.
Israel cannot, must not guarantee the survival of the Hamas planners of the 7 October Pogrom. It would doom civilization to an endless “hunting season” – with the prey being first, Israel – then all Jews everywhere – and then, all non-fundamentalist Muslims everywhere.
May Heaven mercifully bring forth an idea for closure that no human mind has yet produced, ending Israel’s and Gaza’s misery created by this psychopathic and stupid group of brutes who hold an ideology the rest of the educated/civilized world has long seen as meritless as its founder Mohammad’s attempt to be declared “The Messiah” by the Jewish leadership in Israel 1200 years ago. When the literate Jewish leaders pointed out to the illiterate maniac that he did not have the credentials to be “The Messiah” he reacted by with violence: it is a matter of historical record that he mass-murdered the entire Jewish population of the Khyber region. When Hamas fanatics attacked Israel last year, many were shouting, “It is a new day of Khyber for the Jews!” Muhammad of Mecca’s followers then and since got the message of his life-example: Islam’s ideas can only be advanced through threats of harm, or mass-murder.
If one’s ideas are across centuries so persistently and obviously seen as bankrupt of merit that no educated soul can be induced to accept them through discourse, and must forced to accept them at sword/gunpoint … it should be high time for any reasonably sane individual to sit back and and admit to oneself, “Since no one sees merit in this ideology, maybe it has no merit.”
Bimhayrah b’yamaynu! (May it be soon, and in our lifetimes!)
Shabbat shalom.
Rabbi Bruce L. Cohen
12 April 2024