The Morally Inconceivable Aspect of “Ceasefire Now” Pressure On Israel
“According to reports sent to the Einsatzgruppen (Nazi Genocide Squads) headquarters in Berlin, 33,771 Jews were massacred during a two-day period at Babi Yar in September 1941. It was only one of many mass shootings perpetrated by the Nazi Germans beginning in 1941. It was also one of the largest mass killings at a single location during all of World War II. ” – From “The Holocaust Encyclopedia”
This seems an appropriate Blog/Essay for Tisha B’Av in this current season of history.
Now, in mid-August 2024, the naive and antisemitic “Ceasefire Now” push on Israel is seeking to compel the Jewish State to stop its war against Hamas with the equivalent of the 1945 Nazi government (Hamas, now) and Adolf Hitler (Yiyeh Sinwar, now) still alive and intact as Nation and Führer; and still openly and enthusiastically committed to Nazi goals like world-conquest, destruction of “inferior races,” and Jewish “vernichtung” (annihilation): genocide of all Jews everywhere.
Would we?
After knowing that Babi Yar was not a unique massacre but merely an example of the Nazi “standard model” in action – would we have allowed Adolf Hitler to emerge from his bunker in 1945 alive, with a surviving portion of the Nazi government and military, including its uppermost leadership who planned, authorized, and executed its aggressions and mass-barbarities?
Shall we see Hitler emerge triumphant, declare victory as having come from monstrous choices like Babi Yar … and perhaps worst of all, gleefully announce he and his surviving Nazis intend to commit the same level of atrocities wherever and whenever they are able, until the world is emptied of “mongrel races,” and the swastika flies over every national capital in the world?
THAT is the choice the world is pressing Israel to make.
Would we?
If some Mexican radical sub-group was successfully holding a piece of land just across the Mexican-American border, and was steadily firing rockets into San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas, and holding atrocity-squad expeditions into south Texas to mass murder, mass rape, and mass pillage, demanding that America “end the occupation” by evacuating all of Texas and handing it over to Mexico under the government of the radical sub-group …
Would we?
If thousands of Americans had been killed, maimed, or raped …
Would we?
If hundreds of thousands of Texan Americans had been displaced from their homes by violence, and were living displaced for almost a full year, and the Texan economy were in ruins for months …
If it were our nation and October 7th befell our people, would we …
Leave October 7th architect Sinwar alive literally next door?
Leave Hamas in place as “the” power in Gaza?
Permit their use of their survival to plan and execute more October 7th-style atrocities against our nation and people at their every opportunity? Hamas has plainly said this is their intention without diminishment of any kind.
No. Of course, we would not.
We would use the full military might of our nation to end the absurd barbarity quickly.
Absurd levels of barbarity.
In Hamas, the aggression’s goals are to murder or subjugate by force anyone who does not accept as valid, and submit their lives or nations to the rule of a set of governmental and ethical-spiritual ideas found vacant of merit by all of civilization having educated analytical tools in their cultures: the religion of Islam as set forth in the Quran, claiming to have been dictated by the illiterate mass-murderer, Muhammad of Mecca.
Ceasefire now?
Let Hitler live?
Let the Nazi war machine go on?
Brace ourselves for an endless series of Babi Yars/October 7ths?
I think not.
For “The Golden Rule” to be truly golden, it must apply to the treatment of Israel and Jews as well as the rest of humankind. “Do not do to (or demand of) others what you do not want done to (or demanded) of you.”
Rabbi Bruce L. Cohen
Erev Tisha B’Av 5784 • 12 August 2024